Give public comment at County Council on July 5th!

Start: Tuesday, July 05, 2022 4:30 PM

End: Tuesday, July 05, 2022 6:30 PM

This is an opportunity for Cuyahoga County residents like you to get on public record and show County Council just how many of us oppose the new jail project! Additionally, we encourage you to share what you think the county should invest in rather than building more cages. Do you want affordable housing? Public transportation? Expanded diversion programs to keep more people out of jail? Free healthcare for all? The possibilities are endless!

We'll be meeting outside in front of the County Administrative Headquarters, then we'll move as a group to the County Council chambers on floor 4 of the building. The council meeting officially starts at 5:00 PM and public comment section begins soon after.

To support you in writing/editing your public comment, we're planning a public comment prep session over Zoom. The prep session is tentatively scheduled for this Friday evening (July 1st), time TBD, so keep an eye out in your email inbox for the definitive plan.

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