How we can WIN AS ONE in the next general election
Start: 2023-01-12 19:00:00 UTC Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (GMT+00:00)
This is a virtual event
Thursday 12 January 2023 7:00 p.m. Zoom event
We in GET PR DONE! are getting very tired of this situation. You may be fed up as well. The results come in from a general election. Many Conservative candidates become MPs again ---- especially in safe seats --- when the vote total of the centre and left candidates in numbers of constituencies may have been far greater overall.
This result is down to two things: a) our archaic First Past the Post (FPTP) voting system; b) the fact that so-called “progressive parties” fail to work together and hence Tory candidates slither into many Parliamentary seats unfairly.
The left-of-centre pressure group COMPASS has just announced a new campaign to try to tackle both problems. In about 60 constituencies, COMPASS will be working with other groups to organise a major tactical voting campaign to oust vulnerable sitting Tory MPs and candidates. Building a Commons majority among progressive parties would lead to a second goal: introducing a proportional representation (PR) voting system.
This is a goal that GET PR DONE! is happy to support. So on 12 January we’ve invited Neal Lawson, executive director of Compass, to be our guest on at a public webinar on Zoom to tell us how WIN AS ONE will work and how you can join the effort.
Neal will be interviewed by Katie Neame who is a senior reporter with Labour List, an online publication that reports Labour Party news 24/7.
When the interview is over there will be plenty of time for your questions. No one is suggesting WIN AS ONE will be plain sailing.
This will be Neal’s second visit to a GET PR DONE! His first session in August 2021 was one of the best 20-odd webinars we’ve put on and so we are most looking forward to his return.
Please RSVP (top right corner) and we'll email you the zoom link for the 12 January event
The WIN AS WON website:
Wikipedia entry on Neal Lawson:
An 8 December Guardian article on WIN AS ONE:
The GET PR DONE! website:
Labour List website:
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