Let’s Flip VA!
Start: Sunday, October 13, 2019• 3:00 PM
End: Sunday, October 13, 2019• 5:00 PM
It's time to get to work on 2020! Join me for a house party, where we'll be writing letters to potential voters in Virginia ahead of the next election in order to pick up four seats and swing the crucial VA legislature. Direct, person-to-person contact is a proven method for getting out the vote. Please RSVP now for location details.
More about this initiative:
Swing Left is pioneering an innovative program, using letters to help volunteers like us turn out Super State voters by mail, with help from our partners at Vote Forward.
Think about it: if you help get a voter to the polls in one of our targeted Super States, you can impact key State races necessary to roll back gerrymanders. That’s what Swing Left's Super State Strategy is all about: maximizing the impact of your time and money! Looking forward to seeing you!
By clicking RSVP, you agree to Swing Left’s Organizer Liability Statement.