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Host Guidelines - Plan a “GOP Hands Off Me” Action!

Click here to view full toolkit: http://bit.ly/2e0Jxtj

Donald Trump's dehumanizing commentary about women is just the latest chapter in a long history of the RNC's war on women, especially women of color, immigrant women, poor women and queer and trans folks. His comments were not just lewd and offensive -- they were descriptions of sexual assault. The GOP has consistently used attacks on women's bodies and access to healthcare, as well as dog whistle politics and racism to create the political climate that has allowed a man like Trump to become their nominee for President.

Although a number of Republicans have withdrawn their support following Trump’s sexual assault comments, many more have remained silent and inactive on their responsibility to prevent a racist, sexual predator from taking public office. Even if we stop Trump in November, we know the GOP has never cared about the lives of Black, Latinx, immigrant, young, queer, poor women. The GOP and RNC must be held responsible.

We are calling for a wave of feminist action leading up to the final presidential debate on Wednesday October 19th to make visible women’s power to live full lives free from fear of racial, economic and sexual assault. Take action early Tuesday morning October 18th, and join the #GOPHandsOffMe Twitterstorm during the debate Wednesday night!

We want to put forward demands that both influence the outcome of the election--meaning STOP TRUMP--and signal a longer-term vision of gender, racial, and economic liberation for all. We refuse to allow this normalization of rape culture and are stopping it in its tracks.

If you are planning an action, join us on a planning call Saturday October 15th at 12pm pacific / 1pm Mountain / 2pm Central / 3pm Eastern. Contact gophandsoffme@gmail.com for information about how to join the call.

Click here to view full toolkit: http://bit.ly/2e0Jxtj

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