Report from Rojava (San Francisco, CA)

Start: Thursday, May 16, 2024 6:00 PM

End: Thursday, May 16, 2024 8:00 PM

Join us in San Francisco for a very special event on the Rojava revolution featuring a conversation with Debbie Bookchin and Andrej Grubacic!

Report from Rojava: Women’s Revolution, Direct Democracy & Social Ecology in North-East Syria will take place Thursday, May 16th @ 6pm, at 518 Valencia, as part of the Emergency Committee for Rojava's 2024 West Coast speaking tour.

After nearly twelve years, despite a relentless war of aggression waged by Turkey and ISIS, the Kurdish freedom movement, alongside the other diverse peoples of North-East Syria, continue to build and defend a sweeping social revolution rooted in the principles of direct-democracy, women’s liberation, cooperative economics, cultural pluralism and social ecology.

How is society being organized in Rojava? What are the revolution’s achievements and challenges? How did this movement transform chaos into social revolution, and what lessons could we apply to organizing our own local communities?

Join us as we discuss what is happening in Rojava, why it matters, and how we can stand in solidarity.

The Emergency Committee for Rojava is proud to be partnering with the Institute for Social Ecology (ISE), Democratic Socialists of America - Libertarian Socialist Caucus (DSA-LSC), and the Oil & Gas Action Network (OGAN) as co-sponsors of this tour. Additionally, the San Francisco event is co-sponsored by the Center for Political Education.

Admission is FREE to the public.

For more information contact

Debbie Bookchin

is an author and longtime journalist, writer and speaker on municipalism, who also served as press secretary to Bernie Sanders for three years when he was first elected to the US Congress. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, The Nation, and many other outlets. She is a founding member of the Emergency Committee for Rojava.

Andrej Grubačić is the Founding Chair of the Anthropology and Social Change department at CIIS-San Francisco, an academic program with an exclusive focus on anarchist anthropology. He is the editor of the Journal of World-Systems Research and is an affiliated faculty member at the Berkeley Center for Social Medicine, UC Berkeley. He is the author of several books, including Living at the Edges of Capitalism: Adventures in Exile and Mutual Aid (coauthored with Denis O’Hearn), Don’t Mourn, Balkanize!, and Wobblies and Zapatistas (with Staughton Lynd). He is the editor of the PM Press Kairos imprint.

Arthur Pye is a writer and community organizer based in the Pacific Northwest, who recently returned from North-East Syria where he lived for one year studying the Rojava revolution. He is a steering committee member of the Emergency Committee for Rojava, and his writing can be found in Strange Matters magazine.

Can't make this event? Check out the other tour dates: