Schumer Owes New York: Student Debt Cancellation Rally

Start: Saturday, April 03, 2021 3:00 PM

Join the NYC Debt Collective on April 3, 2021 to let Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer know he must pressure Joe Biden to cancel ALL student loan debt and support upcoming legislation to make college FREE for all.

This pandemic has laid bare the multitude of ways folks are struggling. Senator Schumer has voiced his support for $50,000 of student debt cancellation, but that is not enough. With a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic Majority in the Senate, all student debt must be and can be cancelled now!

There are massive economic incentives for widespread debt relief. Full student-debt cancellation could potentially boost the economy by as much as a hundred and eight billion dollars a year, with benefits reaching far beyond the 45 million people directly burdened by student loans. New Yorker's alone hold over $35 billion in student debt, most of which is concentrated in Black and Latinx neighborhoods. Cancelling student debt would narrow the racial wealth gap and help to level the playing field, allowing us to invest in OUR futures.

The fight for Student Debt Cancellation and Free College go hand in hand. We also demand tuition-free public college so that we will not have to go into debt to get an education. Senator Schumer is in a key position to sponsor and encourage College for All legislation, as well as pressure Joe Biden to cancel all student debt with the stroke of a pen, using "Compromise and Settlement", the power granted by Congress to the Executive branch in the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Our government has the power to CANCEL ALL OF IT. We demand Senator Schumer support FULL student debt cancellation AND tuition-free College for All legislation so we and generations to come can thrive. Our event will be covid safe, and we’ll ensure social distancing. Together, we will win full cancellation! RSVP now.