Wear RED! #HuskerOUT Grad Student Write-In

Start: Monday, November 27, 201711:00 AM

End: Monday, November 27, 2017 1:00 PM

Are you a grad student? A faculty member who works with grad students? An undergrad taught by grad students, who might someday be a grad student yourself?

Wear Red and #HuskerOUT to support grad student tuition waivers!#GradStudentTax #ReworkTheReform

In solidarity with nationwide grad student walkouts protesting Section 1204(a)3 of the Tax Reform Bill, come to the City Campus Union to
- calculate how taxing your tuition waiver would affect YOU
- write letters to the editor about the tax reform bill
- send postcards to legislators, provided by ASUN
- get your photo taken for social media to put a face to the tuition waivers

Can't be there? Wear red, write your letter to the editor, print a sign, and post your photos to social media with grad students from your department! #HuskerOut #GradStudentTax #ReworkTheReform

Dear fellow students/colleagues/members of the community,

The proposed tax plan includes a $1.5 trillion corporate tax cut and a giant tax hike on graduate students. The bill would double or even triple many students’ taxes, making graduate school an unaffordable proposition except for those already independently wealthy.

There will be a nationwide rally/walkout on Wednesday, Nov 29 at 1pm EST/ 10am PST to support higher education and show how vital graduate students are to society. Graduate students are the bedrock of innovation and research in this country. We are vital for the structure and function of higher education in the United States. Without us, universities wouldn't have enough instructors for their college courses.

Join the nation in protesting the grad student tax here at Lincoln, Nebraska!

When: Monday 11/27, 11a-1p Central

Where: Nebraska Union, 1400 R St, Lincoln, NE 68588

Spread the word!

Yours in solidarity,


Website: https://gradtaxwalkout.wixsite.com/walkout

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/373597676385507/

Nationwide page: https://www.facebook.com/events/300955367071512/

Twitter: @GradTaxWalkout, @SaveGradEd  https://twitter.com