GradTaxWalkout to SaveGradEd

Dear fellow grad students and people passionate about education: We are distressed about the impact the proposed tax bill will have on all graduate students throughout the country. Specifically, graduate students given tuition tax waivers.

We are organizing a nationwide walkout/rally (#gradtaxwalkout #SaveGradEd) on Wednesday, November 29th at 1:00pm EST/10am PST to show how vital graduate students are to higher education. For example, in return for our stipends, clinical psych graduate students provide FREE psychological services to veterans at the VA. Graduate students teach your undergraduate classes, we grade your papers, we keep the education-loop going.

We are the future of research, innovation and technology. We are also vital for the structure and function of higher education in the United States. Without us, universities wouldn't have enough instructors for their college courses. Join us in this national walkout to show just how important graduate students are to science, higher education, public policy, and healthcare.

Help us get the word out and join us by walking to your campus quad on Wednesday November 29th at 1:00pm EST/10am PST. Fight on!

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Organize a rally/walkout at your school

Sign here to petition the Senate to vote NO on the tax reform bill

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