Learn about the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act on 9/29

Please join Senator Tom Udall (D-NM), Senator Udall's senior policy advisor, Jonathan Black, and Representative Alan Lowenthal's senior legislative assistant, Shane Trimmer for an informative and interactive webinar on the new Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (SB 3263/ HR 5845) moderated by Beyond Plastics' president, Judith Enck.
Find out why the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act is the gold standard of federal legislation to make meaningful reductions in the amount of plastic pollution the U.S., and get answers to any questions you may have from the people who actually wrote the bill.
Fill out the fields to register now for this free Zoom webinar on Tuesday, September 29th at 6:00 PM ET.
This webinar is sponsored by Beyond Plastics and Sierra Club Maryland.