#ActivismForOurLives - Start a Club

Build the movement - start a local activism club.

Sign up here to get tips from the March For Our Lives team on how to build your club and make it successful.


How to set up an activism club:

  1. Find a safe space and/or teacher sponsor at your school. After school clubs tend to be successful because of access, but if your school is giving you trouble you can contact the ACLU (they legally need to give you the opportunity to peacefully gather and share ideas) or find a community spot where you can hold meetings.

  2. Reach out to people around the community. Diversify your voices and find a way to approach activism from an intersectional viewpoint. We have to stand up for funding for anti-violent programming just as intensely as we support voter registration. The only way we win is by educating each other on all fronts.

  3. Create a data collection form (21st century sign up sheet) so that you can push emails/events to the members to keep them informed so that people want to be engaged and can stay active.

What should club meetings look like?

  1. Leaders should be chosen democratically but the club should be run through a set of committees. Committee ideas can be groups, such as outreach, event coordination, research and fundraising. Please set committees based on your independent needs; it’s very important for the club to match the structure of your own community.

  2. Meetings should rely on relationship building within the group and the community. Surround yourself with people you can trust and people who help with real education. Bring in local leadership, not just elected officials, but people who are put on a pedestal within society – Be able to question their practice and create practical solutions for societal issues – Leaders within the group will emerge thanks to this knowledge.

  3. Name the club something that can fit the activism of your community. Ex: Educating For Our Lives, (School Name) For Our Lives, Activism For Our Lives and so on. Be creative!

What are the goals of the club?

  1. Create a more politically engaged and educated community.

  2. Register people in your area to vote, raise money for community engagement events and lower the violence in your area.

  3. Create morally just leadership in all facets of society.