Care Is Not Criminal:

Add Your Name to Support Pro-choice District Attorneys, Judges, And Other Local Leaders.

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, doctors are forced to watch pregnant patients bleed out, get placed on breathing machines, and suffer all because abortion bans threaten jail time to providers for giving reproductive care.

It is increasingly clear that local leaders like district attorneys and city councilors are our last line of defense against attacks on our reproductive freedom.

That’s why we’ve launched Care Is Not Criminal—to help coach, support, and elect prochoice officials who are committed to ensuring that no doctor or patient is criminalized for giving or receiving life-changing medical care.

Across the country, the GOP is working overtime to criminalize abortion. We must build a different future through local elections. Prochoice district attorneys, city council members, and other local leaders have the power to create safe communities where people are not threatened with jail time for accessing the care they need.

Add your name to stop the criminalization of abortion, and to receive info on key candidates in your area.
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