Add Your Organization to the Not in Our Parks Coalition

What is a Coalition Member?

Belief: Members of the Not In Our Parks coalition believe that Washington State Parks are set aside for recreation, conservation, and a safe setting to enjoy their natural and cultural attractions. Except for purposes of providing training in search and rescue, and emergency response services, no military activities of any kind are appropriate.

Purpose: To permanently prevent military training in Washington State Parks except for search and rescue, and emergency response services by:

  1. Convincing the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission to reverse its approval of the U. S. Navy's application for a "right of entry" permit to conduct covert military training in Washington State Parks.
  2. Using the law to reverse the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission approval of the U. S. Navy's application for a "right of entry" permit to conduct covert military training in Washington State Parks.
  3. Supporting clarification of Washington State law to expressly prohibit military training and exercises in Washington State Parks.


  1. To create a website to educate the public and provide information and materials, such as technical analyses, comments and updates on campaign progress.
  2. To inform elected officials, the State Parks and Recreation Commission, the media, and the public of the diversity of organizations, governmental entities, and businesses opposed to the use of Washington State Parks for military training and exercises.
  3. To inform the Washington State legislature of the wide array of support for prohibiting military training and exercises in state parks except for purposes of providing training in search and rescue, and emergency services.
  4. To inform, recruit and activate the public in support of this campaign.


  1. Open to all organizations, businesses, and governmental entities opposing military training in Washington State Parks.
  2. Voluntary. Membership in the Coalition has no financial obligation.
  3. Members oppose the current Navy proposal for a variety of reasons, including economic impacts, environmental impacts, inconsistency with the purpose of state parks, and militarization of our culture.
  4. Membership does not imply or require that every member oppose the current Navy proposal for all of these reasons. Members recognize that there are many reasons to oppose use of our state parks for military training, respect the varying perspectives and reasons of other members, and agree that differences in these perspectives should not interfere in reaching our common goal.
  5. Membership does not require being a party to Whidbey Environmental Action Network's lawsuit seeking to overturn the State Parks and Recreation Commission decision.


  1. Whidbey Environmental Action Network serves as the fiscal sponsor and coordinator of Not In Our Parks. WEAN is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
  2. The campaign is conducted by a working volunteer coordinating committee. It is expected that coordinating committee membership will change over time, possibly including staff and individuals from Coalition member organizations who wish to become highly involved in the campaign. However, there is no obligation for Coalition member organizations to help staff the campaign.
  3. Coalition members will be periodically updated about the campaign's progress. Coalition members may be asked to inform their memberships of campaign news, progress, and calls to action, but it is not required that they do so to be part of the Coalition.
To Join: Please use the form on the right. You will be added to the list of the Not In Our Parks Coalition members.

Please also send us your organizational logo (png preferred) and website URL: These will used on the list of Coalition members on the campaign website (

If you have any questions, contact us at

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