Advent of a Revolution Study Series Sign Up

During the Holiday Season many in the US, especially Christians, often take more time to think about their faith. Church attendance increases, donations to charity pick up, and our culture and media are full of stories of kindness and the birth of hope. Indeed, the season of Advent is a time for revolutionary hope, a time to reflect on what it means that God has prepared the way to transform the world from the bottom up. In this series we look more closely at some of the dominant themes and stories that shape this season and re-read those stories and themes from the perspective of the poor and dispossessed and out of the active and organized struggle of the poor for a more just world.

The study is a supplemental study guide for the Advent of a Revolution section of We Cry Justice: Reading the Bible With the Poor People’s Campaign.

We approach this study from the perspective of the poor and dispossessed. By engaging from this perspective we understand Advent to be a time for revolutionary hope that God has prepared the way to transform the world from the bottom up.

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