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Help us drive good public policy from the real owners of Michigan—YOU!

Michigan needs a major tune-up.

And like the real vehicles we all depend on, it takes a lot of components and tools to make our state go. Without good jobs and training, reliable healthcare, quality education, strong families, and a safe environment, our state can’t run properly. That’s why we’ve created a clear and comprehensive plan to help lawmakers on the road ahead—the Owner’s Manual for Michigan.

The Owner’s Manual was developed by Michiganders like you. Our staff toured the state, holding focus groups with communities both big and small. After talking with hundreds of people about what they think will help Michigan drive forward, we put our analysts to work. They crunched the numbers, looked at successful models from around the country, and came up with a final plan that’s driven by both people and data.

To make a better Michigan, we have some tough work ahead, though. Racial inequities are holding our state back. Unacceptable public policies that limit employment and housing options for people of color continue to exist, leaving families and children further behind. Our plan seeks to dismantle these policies and move Michigan forward. The Owner’s Manual addresses the disastrous effects of institutional racism in Michigan, and each of our recommendations seeks to promote racial equity at all levels.

You and the nearly 10 million people who call Michigan home are and will always be the real owners of this great state. And it’s time that our public policies reflect that. If we’re going to fix our state and make sure it’s firing on all cylinders for everyone, then residents, advocates and elected officials are going to need to pop the hood, roll up our sleeves and work together to get things running smoothly.

Please sign up for updates on the Owner’s Manual for Michigan and join us on the road to better public policy.

The Owner’s Manual is a project of the Michigan League for Public Policy, an organization that has been working to improve the lives of Michiganders since 1912.