Ask your election candidates to back our [COUNCIL NAME] climate pledge

The words 'Make climate a priority this election' superimposed over an outline of Great Britain.

This May people in [PLACE NAME] will head to the polls to vote for our local [COUNCILLORS/MAYOR] councillors. We’re calling on all council election candidates in [PLACE NAME] to stand up for the climate.

We’re faced with a climate emergency and it’s time for everyone to do their bit, including our local councillors. Here in [PLACE NAME] that means:

  • Declaring a climate emergency

  • Adopting a Climate Action Plan

  • Doubling tree cover

  • Divesting from fossil fuels

  • Putting in place Clean Air Zones

  • Investing in segregated cycleways

  • [Add your ideas]

Add your name to our letter if you think our future councillors should put people and planet first. We'll pass the message on to all the candidates before the election in May.

Here's our letter

Dear [PLACE NAME] election candidates

We want you to make climate a priority if you’re elected. This means:

  • Declaring a climate emergency

  • Adopting a Climate Action Plan

  • Doubling tree cover

  • Divesting from fossil fuels

  • Putting in place Clean Air Zones

  • Investing in segregated cycleways
