Your endorsement of Blue Bucks Ohio will let us know who is fired up and ready to elect Democrats going into 2024 and beyond. We need strong leaders who believe in Democratic values and ideals representing us in our State Legislature.

We’re getting involved in the political circus because we believe in the potential of Ohio and the value that Ohioans provide to their communities if given the right opportunities and resources. Despite some setbacks and economic decline, Ohio remains a state of Opportunity. Ohioans know that when things get tough, we don’t lay down and accept our fate, we take it on the chin and push for better.

Our future isn’t predetermined: we can instill positive change and make our lives better instead of being forced to watch as our futures and our children’s futures disappear due to policies favoring the wealthy and corporations over the middle and working class. But we can’t do that without your help getting strong Democrats elected who believe in using government for good by providing the resources people need to be successful.

In 2024, we will have the opportunity to build upon our strong foundation of State Representatives and State Senators by playing defense for our vulnerable incumbents and playing offense in competitive districts. In 2026, with the passage of an amendment that would force the drawing of fair maps by a citizen-led redistricting commission, we will have the opportunity to break the Republican supermajorities and potentially the Republican majority in the Ohio House if we put in the work to get the job done.

We can do this, together. We can make lives better, for everyone. And that’s why we’re asking you to join our team. Are you in?

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Painesville, OH

Paid for by Blue Bucks Ohio PAC