Code Red

The AFT’s multiyear Code Red initiative addresses concerns regarding the corporatization of our healthcare system. It advocates for adequate staffing levels and prioritizes safety and quality for patients and health professionals alike. Our efforts focus on combating understaffing, shortages and other detrimental conditions through strategic measures to ensure our nation’s healthcare system is a place where patients and communities thrive.

Key strategies include:

  • Fighting for minimum staffing requirements to ensure health professionals can deliver high-quality care safely;
  • Revitalizing a robust training and education infrastructure that cultivates a pipeline of well-trained, well-prepared health professionals who are demographically reflective of the patient populations they serve;
  • Ensuring a safe patient care environment where health professionals can deliver and patients can receive care; and
  • Holding healthcare corporations, agencies and institutions, along with their executives, to stringent standards that prioritize the needs of patients and workers over profits.

The AFT’s Code Red campaign is centered on these fundamental strategies, aimed at stabilizing and strengthening our nation’s healthcare delivery system. The goal is to recruit and retain a well-prepared workforce that places patients and the health of our communities at the forefront of care.

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