Demand Clarence Thomas recuse himself from “Moore v. US”

Supreme Court justices bought off by billionaires have no place ruling on whether their billionaire buddies should be paying taxes on their unrealized wealth gains.

In the latest bombshell report from ProPublica, we’ve learned that Justice Clarence has more than just one billionaire benefactor.

For decades at least four billionaires have been bankrolling a lavish lifestyle for Clarence Thomas and his family, including:

  • 38 destination vacations

  • 26 private jet flights

  • 8 helicopter flights

  • 12 VIP passes to sporting events

  • 2 luxury resort stays in Florida and Jamaica

  • 1 private yacht vacation around the Bahamas

  • 1 standing invitation to an exclusive golf club

  • And, private school tuition for the grandnephew Thomas raised as a son

Justice Thomas’s failure to disclose these gifts is illegal. And, as ProPublica says, it "exposes consistent violations of judicial norms..."

In October, the Supreme Court will hear a case that is relevant to each of Thomas’s billionaire benefactors: Moore v US. At issue is the ability to tax unrealized gains, which is exactly what Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund is fighting for in the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax―taxing the wealth gains each year of households worth more than $100 million.

If Thomas and his SCOTUS colleagues rule in favor of millionaires, billionaires, and executives, and against the American people, it would shield the ultra-wealthy from paying taxes on their obscene wealth gains.

Sign now to demand Clarence Thomas recuse himself from Moore v. US, based on clear conflicts of interest.
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