Affordable Textbooks Faculty Statement of Support
The cost of course materials has increased 88% over the past decade. Nearly two-thirds of students have skipped buying a book at some point because of cost, and many have skipped meals and paying bills because of these crushing costs. As faculty members, we affirm that it is our prerogative and responsibility to select course materials that are pedagogically most appropriate for our classes. Consistent with this principle, we should seek affordable and accessible course materials whenever possible so that students can fully participate in class. Unfortunately, textbook publishers are promoting restrictive materials like access codes that undercut students’ ability to save money.
In recognition that choices regarding course materials can have significant financial and academic consequences for students, I pledge:
To Consider the overall costs for students when picking course materials.
To Research free options for course materials, including open textbooks and existing library resources, on a yearly basis.
To Communicate with students in a timely manner concerning course material needs and the most affordable methods of purchasing these materials.
To Share best practices and affordable options for course materials with other faculty members and administrators.
To Act by working to lower the cost of course materials without sacrificing educational quality, and by encouraging the creation and expansion of programs which promote open textbooks.