Fairfield County Issues & Actions-Online Forum April 13th 7PM to 9PM

In these uncertain and perilous times, coming together as a community to fight for issues of fairness and justice could not be more essential.
The Fairfield County Organizing Collaborative is committed to building such a community- and invites you to a dialogue and conversation around issues we care about - and want to fight for over this next year and beyond.
Join a conversation with three smart, strategic and effective leaders in our state. They will be providing up to date information on healthcare, climate and housing. Ask your questions and learn what you can do to make a difference! (Feel free to ask questions ahead of time when you RSVP)
Invited Speakers:
Comptroller Kevin Lembo, who has led the effort to adopt a "public option" for CT Small Businesses and non-profit organizations will provide us with the current status of this effort- as well as answer overall health care related questions during this global pandemic. View The CT Plan info here.
Sierra Club Connecticut Director Sam Dynowski will speak to the progress achieved on the CT Green New Deal during this legislative session, as well as share actions being taken by a coalition of CT organizations to hold Insurance Companies accountable for their irresponsible investments in fossil fuels and fossil fuel projects.
Erin Boggs, Executive Director of Open Communities Alliance will speak to municipal compliance- or lack thereof- regarding developing plans for increasing needed affordable housing within their communities.
We are all looking forward to meeting with you, please rsvp today and please stay safe!
Ann Pratt,
CCAG Director of Organizing
Sponsored by Democracy for Connecticut and Connecticut Citizen Action Group