Connecticut Citizen Action Group
CCAG is a statewide membership organization dedicated to involving the residents of Connecticut in altering the relations of power in order to bring about a more just society. CCRG's mission is to provide the research, education, and training to allow CCAG to fulfill its mission.
“To actively engage the residents of Connecticut in altering the relations of power in order to bring about environmental, economic, and social justice.
Over 48 years ago, CCAG launched a grassroots movement that continues today.
Organizing door-to-door, raising awareness, finding and training community leaders, citizen lobbyists, and future decision makers. Above all, making sure that the conversations happen. Whether the issue is affordable quality healthcare, democracy, the protection of consumers, or the environment, Citizen Action in all of its forms is critical. Your support now will help to ensure that our voices thunder. Together we will win. For more information visit: