Sign up here on the right for our monthly FFF Calendar and FFF Information and the FFF Newsletter. The FFF Calendar is team headed by two young activists, backed by some of the elderly...
Remember the FFF Calendar team welcomes articles of inspiration for monthly publication. Send your article to Marta Laatsch,
Remember the FFF Calendar welcomes writers or journalists we want to join the team. We meet almost weekly for one hour, and you will need to dedicate around 3 hours a month to the work. Sign up on the right too.
Below is a sample of the Calendar team's latest work.
Calendar - September 2022
—Dr. Kimberly Nicholas, a scientist and professor of global sustainability at Lund University in Sweden, describing the urgent need for us to move completely away from the Exploitation Mindset that has ravaged our planet for profit, to a Regeneration Mindset—a complete reassessment of how we inhabit our living planet, how we prioritize what we truly value in our lives, and how to strategize and move inclusively and sustainably into the future. Her inspiring book, Under the Sky We Make, is a refreshing and honest account of her emotional personal experiences with climate change and how we must find deep meaning in the changes we need to make.
GLOBAL STRIKE 23 SEPTEMBER!! Read our last pre-strike briefing
here. We must make our voices heard for climate reparations and climate action. People, not profit!
The climate disaster is already destroying livelihoods, especially in the places least responsible for climate change and communities with the least resources to adapt. You can find some eye-opening links on the flooding in Pakistan
Our most important tool as activists is our ability to communicate effectively. Writing to politicians and representatives and letters to the editor is key to the climate movement. Check out this useful guide to help you with both.
“...[T]here’s nothing more human than storytelling,” said Elson Bankoff, describing the play she wrote to demonstrate the power dynamics of getting the word out about the climate crisis. Read more about this inspiring artist and high school student here.
Another year, another Conference of the Parties, and we get another opportunity to make sure the climate emergency is on the news. Learn more here.
What if, instead of money, we traded time? Consider starting a “time bank” in your neighborhood. Read this great resource on time banks.
Below, an example of Dr. Nicholas’ research with Paula Truss:
Build your FFF Action Network No charge (paid for by donors)
Join the next TRAINING, Saturday, 24 Sept. at 16 Central European Time, or another day, on how to use the tool.
First sign
the data integrity
GDPR agreement for access to your local FFF AN and petition.