FLOOD WITH ART: Join the Arts & Cultural Strategies Working Group of Flood the System

Thanks for your interest in bringing art to Flood the System!

We think that artists and cultural workers have a unique role to play in bringing the flood to life and are glad you do, too!

This is for art-makers of all skill levels. You don't have to be an expert to be hugely helpful-- you just have to be committed to using creativity to struggle against the deepest injustices of our time. We are on the lookout for artists of all ages and varieties to:

  • perform at local meetings and trainings
  • design graphics and videos that clarify our vision 
  • host art builds and make the props for actions in your town 
  • write poems, website copy, all kinds of word-y things
  • do spread-sheet wizardy
  • help with human happiness (aka logistics)
  • make and create tons more stuff no one has even thought of yet!

We're also looking for cultural strategists and organizers who get jazzed about the role of arts in movement building and want to help coordinate and cross-pollinate all of this amazing work we’re about to do!  We are in the process of building systems to connect artists to microgrants to fund our work where needed, and mentors to help us grow our practices through Flood the System.

In alignment with Flood the System’s Core Principles and Anti-racism Principles, our work will center and support frontline community artists, artists of color, poor/working class artists, bilingual and multilingual artists, and artist who create their work accountability with people’s movements across the continent. 

When you fill out the web form on the right, your information will go into a spreadsheet managed by the handful of us currently steering the Arts and Culture working group. We will use this to connect you to the resources, information and other people you need to plug in in ways that make sense for your skill set and location. Of course, we'll never, ever sell your email address or spam you.

We’ll also add you to our “Flood With Art” list-serve so you stay up to date on rad art project ideas and proposals! Our goal is to build ourselves in to a fabulous network of creative problem solvers, poetic makers, and street savvy cultural workers. We dream that this network can nourish you with ideas and inspiration during and beyond the Flood. 

THANK YOU for joining the Flood. We'll be in touch soon!

-- Ryan CameroDesire KaneRachel Schragis, Emily Simons, and Janelle Treibitz

Current shepherds of the A&C working group