Fossil Free Parliament's election pledge

Fossil Free Parliament’s election pledge

If I am elected as a Member of Parliament, I will work to cut fossil fuel interests out of our politics.

The fossil fuel industry has denied climate science. It has delayed climate action and distorted climate policy. To build a safer future for people and planet, we must restrict its access to and influence on our politics.

This starts in my election campaign. I will not accept any benefits from the fossil fuel industry or its representatives. If I am elected, I will also reject any benefits offered.

This includes;

  • Donations
  • Gifts
  • Hospitality
  • ⁠Domestic or international trips
  • ⁠Benefits received via an All-Party Parliamentary Group

I sign this pledge with a view to proceeding to uphold it to the best of my knowledge.


  • Please only sign this pledge if you are officially running as a parliamentary candidate in the 2024 UK general election, or you have the authority to do so on behalf of an official candidate.

  • Parliamentary candidates are being asked to sign this pledge as individuals, and not on behalf of the party they are affiliated with.

  • ‘The fossil fuel industry’ is defined as companies generating more than 10% of their revenue from the exploration, production, refining or processing of coal, oil and fossil gas.

  • ‘organisations representing fossil fuel industry interests’ may include lobbyists who are paid a fee to represent their interests or fossil fuel industry networks, pressure groups, or trade associations such as Offshore Energies UK (OEUK). We are working on drawing up a list of such organisations for ease of identification.

  • ‘to the best of my knowledge’ - we have added this disclaimer to allow for the possibility that you may unwittingly accept a benefit from the fossil fuel industry due to the endemic lack of transparency surrounding the industry and its lobbying efforts. Should this happen after you have signed the pledge, you will not be accused of entering into a conflict of interest. Instead, we ask that, once you have identified that the benefit is connected to fossil fuel industry interests, that you find a way to retrospectively reject the benefit and take the opportunity to publicly call out the industry for its veiled lobbying attempt.

  • Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) is an official ally of Fossil Free Parliament, and it is in that capacity that it is temporarily hosting the campaign's Action Network account. Friends of the Earth otherwise holds no responsibility for any of the actions of the Fossil Free Parliament campaign, and is not collaborating with Fossil Free Parliament on this action.