How to Improve Your Pacifica Station and its Programming

Share your ideas about your station and Pacifica's programming — how can we help Pacifica survive and rebound from its loss of listenership, membership, and donations? It's a short survey but there's space for you to add as many comments/suggestions as you wish.

We'd also like to know your thoughts on Pacifica's being behind in audits again, which could result in loss of tax exemption, and on the millions in increasing debts (with no smart repayment plans). Whatever you think is important, let us know!

Also let us know if you have voted in your station's Local Station Board (LSB) election - there's a question on the form for that, too.

Please fill out the short questionnaire on this page. You can say as little or as much as you'd like.

Be sure to click on the SUBMIT button when you're done, to save your responses.

For more information about us, candidates we endorse, updates, and more, see


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