I Want to Help!

There are so many roles to fill right now. Tell us what you're interested in, and we'll connect you with some good options. In the meantime, we have some suggestions:

Like and follow our Facebook page at   http://www.facebook.com/CloseTheCampsDetroit/ and Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/closethecampsdetroit/

Sign up on our mailing list to stay informed about local events: https://actionnetwork.org/events/close-the-camps/

  • Show support by attending future events at:
  • The airport
  • ICE / CBP offices in Detroit
  • Congressional offices
  • Wherever they are happening!

Call, write, and email your legislators.  

  • Write Senator McConnell, asking him to support HR1044: the Short Term Detention Standards Act, requiring Customs and Border Protection to ensure access to appropriate temporary shelter, food and water to children and immigrants.  
  • Write the chair of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Dave Woodward, asking the Board to support local immigrants by passing legislation not to hold immigrants in jail past their release date for ICE, funding translators and legal representation of immigrants in the courts to support due process, and not checking immigration status during traffic stops.
Donate money. Organizations working need to fund legal and other support services.
  • RAICES: provides legal services for immigrants and their families at our southern border
  • Michigan Immigrant Rights Center (MichiganImmigrant.org), a legal resource center for Michigan’s immigrant communities providing attorneys and advocacy.
  • Annunciation House (AnnunciationHouse.org): provides support to refugees along our southern border
  • Freedom House Detroit (FreedomHouseDetroit.org): a temporary home for indigent survivors of persecution seeking asylum.
If you are an educator, include human and immigration rights in your curriculum. https://www.tolerance.org/

Continue to show up. Call out racism and bigotry when you see it. Humor is a way to test opinion, and an awkward silence is a powerful response to an inappropriate joke.

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