Sign our statement: Stop Using the Phrase "Judeo-Christian Values" To Justify Discrimination

As American Jews, we are deeply concerned by the misleading use of the phrase "Judeo-Christian values" to falsely claim Jewish support for harmful Christian-nationalist policies, such as allowing state-funded child welfare agencies to discriminate on the basis of religion, permitting healthcare providers to impose their religious beliefs on patients, or promoting Christianity in public schools.

We reject the inappropriate portrayal of these discriminatory policies as Jewish values. American Jews stand for progress and against discrimination toward women, the LGTBQ community, religious minorities (including Jews), and any others.

Today, the phrase “Judeo-Christian” is deeply embedded in the language of Christian nationalists who seek to establish Christianity as the dominant political, cultural, and social force in society. Elected officials and all citizens must understand how the phrase has been weaponized in the hands of religious fundamentalists.

We are committed to upholding the constitutional separation of religion and government and building an America where people of all or no faith traditions are equal under law. We therefore call for an end to the use of the phrase "Judeo-Christian" in all political contexts.