Join us to win statewide Housing Justice for All!

After winning the strongest renters' rights in a generation, what's next for the housing justice movement in New York?

The work is just beginning! While tenants' rights are legal, local towns and villages still have to decide to opt-in. And 89,000 people are still homeless. Our public housing is in disrepair. Landlords are on the attack, refusing to make repairs and filing frivolous lawsuits to undermine our big wins.  

Sign up to get regular updates from the Housing Justice for All campaign, including:

  • Know your rights trainings and tenant education events
  • Tips on how to organize for rent control in your community
  • Upcoming events where you can join the fight to stop evictions and end homelessness in New York
  • How you can get involved in a local campaign to bring renters' rights to your community