Log your call: call your PA State Legislators​

We are making calls to oppose two bills HB 2207 and HB 38:

We are calling PA State House Representatives asking them to oppose the Sham Redistricting Commission (HB 2207). We are also asking Representatives to support the Samuelson Amendment that would create a real impartial Independent Citizens Commission for 2031.

AND we are calling PA State House Representatives and asking them to oppose the Judicial District Bill (HB 38)

If you don't know how to reach your legislator, look them up here. Below is a sample of what you might say. Feel free to customize.

Once you've made your call(s), use this page to log the name of the PA State Legislator you called, what you said and how they responded.

Script for HB 2207 Hi, my name is [NAME] and I'm calling from [TOWN].

I am calling to ask you to oppose HB 2207 in its present form.   This bill was introduced on Jan 4. It had no public hearings or input. It creates a politically appointed partisan redistricting commission. It does nothing to increase transparency or define criteria in map drawing. I want an impartial independent citizens redistricting commission with strict transparency and map drawing criteria. Please support and vote for Rep. Steve Samuelson’s amendment that would finally give PA voters the Independent Citizens Commission that they have been asking for.

SCRIPT for HB 38 Hi, my name is [NAME] and I'm calling from [TOWN].

I’m calling today to ask you to oppose HB 38 and the creation of judicial districts. I think creating judicial districts for the statewide appellate courts is a really bad idea.

Last year, the judicial districts bill was pushed through without public hearings, testimony or any hint of due diligence. HB 38 will weaken the checks and balances in our three branches of state government and will open the door to a new form of gerrymandering. No other state allows legislators to draw judicial districts in this manner. There are better ways to reform the way we elect or select judges. Please vote "NO" on HB 38.

Reporting calls helps Fair Districts PA plan! It will only take a few minutes.

Thanks for all you do!

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