Make a call to keep FERC shut down

A great new NPR report out today, shows why we need to stop the Senate from restoring a quorum at FERC. If we can block a vote for another few weeks, we can prevent approval of any more fracked gas pipelines this summer -- because FERC will be without a quorum at least until September.

Call Your Senators at (202) 224-3121 (you'll need to tell the operator which Senators you want to talk to or which state you live in), and urge them to vote “NO” on Trump’s Nominees for FERC.

Simply Say:

I am calling to urge Senator ___________ to vote against President Trump’s two nominees, Neil Chatterjee and Robert Powelson, to be commissioners of FERC. Their records make clear that they will do little or nothing to stop FERC’s rubber-stamping approval of fracked gas pipelines proposed by the fracked gas industry. Senator _______________ needs to stand up for our climate, against eminent domain abuse and for clean air and water by voting “no” to these FERCnominees.

Once you've called, you can let us know here and/or check in with other callers at this Facebook event.

FERC-approved pipelines release climate changing emissions and induce more drilling, fracking and fossil fuel use which, according to experts, could tip us over the climate changing cliff. Right now, FERC can't approve any pipelines or LNG export facilities because they don’t have the legal quorum necessary to cast binding vote. Help us keep it that way.

Form by
Andrew Hudson
Columbia, South Carolina
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