Make sure the ITC gets the real story

Congress has asked the US International Trade Commission (ITC) to prepare a report that examines the economic impact of the TPP.

They've already heard from big business, now it's time to make sure the ITC hears from you! 

Complete the form to the right to submit your comments to the ITC on how the TPP will impact you and why you think the TPP is a bad deal for working families. Please remember to include your first and last name! 

Here are some talking points to get you started. 

  • The Wall Street firms that already wrecked our economy would benefit at the expense of workers, businesses and global financial stability. The TPP would prohibit governments from instituting "capital controls" that have been successfully used to avoid financial crises.
  • Once the TPP is signed it would have no expiration date — locking in its failed, extreme policies and allowing other Pacific Rim nations, including China and Russia, to sign on at later dates, if accepted by the other signatories.
  • The U.S. will lose an estimated 130,000 jobs solely due to the inclusion of Japan and Vietnam in the TPP. It's the same model that resulted in the loss of 3.4 million jobs after NAFTA, the Korean Free Trade Agreement and the inclusion of China into the World Trade Organization.
  • The TPP will place U.S. workers in competition with corporations operating in countries like Vietnam. Vietnamese workers make a minimum wage of 56 cents per hour.
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