National HIV Call-In Day Report-Back

This week Representatives in Congress will vote on the Republican health care proposal, the “American Health Care Act” (AHCA), to gut lifesaving provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid. The Republican plan will cause 24 million Americans, including many living with HIV, to lose access to care.

The Republican plan is bad for people living with and vulnerable to HIV. It undermines the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and would weaken the ACA’s subsidies and consumer protections and bankrupt Medicaid. In February 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that HIV infection rates decreased by 18% over the last six years—in part due to improved access to care through the ACA. These gains in preventing HIV are now threatened. The Republican plan will put HIV prevention, treatment, and care out of reach for people living with HIV and vulnerable to HIV.

Members of Congress must hear from you TODAY! It’s critical that your Representative, Republicans and Democrats, hear from you right now and know that the AHCA is unacceptable. It will result in new HIV infections and worse health outcomes for people living with HIV. Your Representative needs to know that constituents want more, better, and more affordable coverage and that the Republican plan will not achieve any of these goals!

Take Action! Republicans and Democrats need to hear from you!

Call your Representative in the House of Representatives TODAY, at (866) 246-9371. This number is toll-free and will connect you with your Representative.
Here is what you can say:

Hello my name is _______ and I live in [city & state]. I am a person [living with HIV/concerned about HIV]. I am calling to demand that you vote against the American Health Care Act. The American Health Care Act will hurt people living with and vulnerable to HIV by making it harder and more expensive to get the care they need. All Americans deserve better. I urge you to support people living with and vulnerable to HIV and oppose the American Health Care Act.

Because the House of Representatives is taking the first vote on the Republican plan, the hotline will connect you to your Representative.

After you call, tell your community to do the same! Urge your friends and followers to also call their members of Congress. Share the script and phone number on Facebook and Twitter.

Suggested hashtags for when you post: #Medicaid program! #ProtectOurCare #NoRepeal #saveourcare #HIVResists #HIV #HIVLives and #AHCA

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