Russia's invasion of Ukraine shows no signs of stopping. Gun violence is rampant. Police violence is not slowing down. The climate crisis worsens each day. While there are many individuals working on each of these issues, it's going to take all of us working together to make positive, systems-level change.

The work to abolish all nuclear weapons globally isn’t just a national security or foreign policy issue. The problem runs deeper than the threat of conflict. Nuclear weapons are an expression of white supremacist and colonial power structures — just look at who holds these weapons and how they’re wielded on the global stage. They represent a clear and present danger to the work of all movements to build a more just, prosperous, and equitable world.

Nuclear Weapons are a climate issue. The mining, development, and testing of these weapons has and continues to cause generationally negative climate and environment impacts. Not to mention research shows that the use of a nuclear weapon would lead to catastrophic temperature and weather changes leaving the planet hostile to civilization.

Nuclear weapons are a public health issue. The extraction, development, testing, and storage of nuclear materials and weapons causes devastating long-term and intergenerational health effects in frontline communities, including birth defects, cancer, and death.

Nuclear weapons are a racial justice issue. From atomic testing in the Pacific Islands to storing radioactive waste on tribal lands, it’s Black, brown, and Indigenous communities who disproportionately bear the toxic burden of the nuclear weapons complex.

Nuclear weapons are a spending issue, an environmental issue, a democracy issue. Nuclear weapons are a community safety issue.

If we have learned one thing from the last few years, it's that we are stronger when we are working together. We deserve a system of safety and security that isn’t built on threats of mass destruction. We deserve a world that has moved beyond the bomb, a world that reimagines safety and security for all. We must get to zero nuclear weapons — and we can.

Nuclear abolition is not a standalone fight.– It is deeply connected to these and other existential threats and social injustices. That’s why it’s essential we all work together to build a just, prosperous, and equitable world free from the threat of nuclear weapons.

Join us in a united movement to fight for the future we all deserve.

This Action is Also Sponsored by:

Marshallese Education Initiative

Pax Christi New York State

1Hood Media Academy

Earth Ethics, Inc.

InterReligious Task Force on Central America and Colombia

Mothers Out Front

Foreign Policy for America

New Detroit

War Prevention Initiative

Extinction Rebellion Peace

Gender and Radiation Impact Project

Whatcom Peace & Justice Center

Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment

Sheriffs for Trusting Communities

Trinity United Church of Christ

Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III

Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security, and Conflict Transformation (WCAPS)

Future Coalition

Win Without War

Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center

CODEPINK San Francisco Bay Area

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action


N.O.B.E.L Women - The National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women

To sign the pledge as an organization, please email the Global Zero team.

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