Pledge to Fight for Reproductive Freedom

Extremists are dismantling our rights to abortion and reproductive freedom. Take the pledge to fight for reproductive freedom this election cycle and beyond!

What can you do?
1. Sign up on this form and forward it to everyone you know! PWN will have volunteer, training and political education opportunities, and ways to take action that we will share with you, including opportunities to get involved in nonpartisan election work and reproductive justice advocacy in Alabama, Colorado, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas!
2. Take leadership from, support, donate to, and elevate BIPOC-led reproductive justice organizations in this moment -and forever.
See this amazing and important messaging toolkit from SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective. *** If you do not know about SisterSong, learn about and donate to SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective!

3. Donate to abortion funds. Find a list here

4. Be explicit about your organization's support for abortion access. See sample social media posts linked in the #LiberateAbortion resource hub.

5. Send this pledge to your friends and colleagues.

6. Keep in mind these quick messaging dos and don'ts:
* Don't water down your messages. Say the word abortion, Say it loud and proud. Not euphemisms like "pro choice" or "Roe." Abortion is a human right. Abortion on demand, without apology. See this messaging guidance from #LiberateAbortion.
* Don't conflate abortion with gender. People of all genders need and deserve abortion access. Do not use language like "women's rights" or "pregnant women," say "pregnant people" or "people who can get pregnant" instead.
* Do center and uplift messaging from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

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