Pledge to stand up against transphobia

We are members of the Green Party of England and Wales and we pledge to stand up against transphobia, within our party and beyond.
Our party policy is clear: Trans men are men, trans women are women, and non-binary identities exist and are valid. We believe everyone has a right to self identify as their chosen gender, to access vital healthcare and services, and be respected for who they are.
Rising transphobia is wrecking the fabric of our society. As mainstream media reporting increasingly dehumanises trans people and whips up hate, extremist groups coordinate to stamp down on trans people while claiming to support "women's rights", and transphobic hate crimes rise at an alarming rate.
As Greens, we must rise up against these oppressive forces and stand up for our trans friends and family. This means listening to the trans community and standing alongside them in their fight for equality and inclusion. It means campaigning to win change, strengthen our party policy, get progressive Greens elected internally and externally, fixing failing systems and challenging transphobia wherever and whenever it rears its ugly head.
Sadly, a small number of people in our party are organising to stop this from happening. But this group is small and we shall resist any and all attempts to peddle transphobia in our party. Consistently our membership has demonstrated exactly where it stands on this issue - passing progressive motions on trans rights and electing party leaders with progressive values over those that seek to divide and offend. We shall not let a small minority divide us. We will welcome honest questions with openness and seek to bring all of us together on this issue, and on the right side of history.
Sign our pledge, join our network of allies and let's end transphobia for good!