Join Renew New England Alliance!

Across New England, we're organizing for an economy that works for everyone. Will you join our movement?

All New Englanders – no matter our backgrounds – want dignified work, a safe place to call home, food for our families, and clean air to breathe and water to drink. But today, in the midst of a pandemic, hundreds of thousands of New Englanders are struggling to make rent and put food on the table, while a wealthy few who have rigged the rules are getting even richer.

We deserve better, and we need to join together now to fight for it.  

We have the power to ensure that everyone in New England – Black, brown, and white, Indigenous and immigrant – has a dignified job with a liveable wage, can afford a comfortable home and enough food, and can walk or play outside in clean air. Renew's legislation will set us on the path to that future, putting thousands of New Englanders to work building affordable, green homes, running local farms and community gardens, installing rooftop solar panels for low-income households, cleaning up pollution, and slashing the carbon emissions that are causing the climate crisis. A better world isn’t just possible, it’s necessary.

Building this future will take all of us – join us today, and we'll keep you up to date on the most powerful ways to get involved.

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