Renew CT - Save the Date!

Are you ready for a More Just, More Equitable & More Sustainable Connecticut?

Great. We have some good news for you.

Renew CT- a newly formed alliance of environmental justice, community and labor partners- has a bold, ambitious plan calling for 100% clean, renewable energy, healthy and sustainable housing, accessible transportation, clean air and water and food justice.

We hope you can join us for our Renew Launch on Wednesday, Dec. 9th @ noon and Thursday Dec. 10th @ 6:30 PM- same program for each event, but YOU have a choice which event will work best for you.

Please RSVP here. Questions? Give us a call at: 860-209-1234

Find out more about our Renew Proposals here.

We would like to hear from you about these proposals. Please take a moment to take our Renew Survey

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