Senator Cory Gardner: You Don't Represent Us

Time and again, Senator Cory Gardner has shown disregard for his constituents in the great state of Colorado. After public pressure, and 500 days WITHOUT a public forum, Senator Gardner emerged this summer to host a series of town halls ahead of the vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act. His appearances did nothing to assuage the frustration of the thousands of Coloradans who feel left out in the cold by the junior senator. He does NOT represent the interests of Coloradans, and the proof is here.

Whereas Senator Gardner:

  • Voted TWICE in favor of a disastrous tax overhaul bill that revokes a myriad other tax incentives from the middle class and ends the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate, which will cause premiums to rise by 10% each year, will kick 13 million people out of the market, will cause instability in said market all in order to deliver permanent corporate tax cuts and to increase tax "relief" for millionaires and billionaires;
  • Voted THREE TIMES to repeal the Affordable Care Act in the summer of 2017, despite massive public outcry from his constituents;
  • Has taken no meaningful action to renew CHIP funding or push for a clean DREAM Act prior to the close of 2017;
  • Consistently supports efforts to open public lands to more oil & gas and mining operations (despite his rhetoric);
  • Repeatedly scuttles regular order in the legislative process, such as open hearings and debate, despite telling us how he seeks bipartisanship;
  • Has chosen, in his role as the chief fundraiser for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, to answer to the call of donors over and above Colorado constituents, and he's said as much;
  • Claimed to call out his party "when they're wrong" and to be a "different kind of republican", yet votes for the disastrous Trump agenda nearly 95% of the time;

Therefore we -- constituents, Coloradans, voters -- find his performance as a senator to be far below what our great state deserves, and we call on Senator Gardner to resign his seat immediately so that we can secure real representation in Congress.

By signing this petition, you agree that Senator Gardner should forthwith vacate his seat as Colorado's junior senator to pursue an activity better suited to his character (press secretary to Mitch McConnell, perhaps?). In the unlikely event that he will actually resign, however, you hereby sign this form to commit to working in 2018 to unseat his trump-aligned colleagues in the House, and in 2020 to unseat him Gardner himself, when his term officially expires.