Sign the petition: Close the gun show loophole and ban assault weapons

Biden Administration's New Firearm Rule

The Biden administration has proposed a groundbreaking rule that promises to enhance the safety of our communities by expanding background checks for firearm purchases, including at gun shows and online sales. However, to truly improve our safety, this initiative must be coupled with an unequivocal ban on assault weapons.

The new rule, crafted under the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, targets the notorious "gun show loophole" that has allowed countless firearms to be sold without adequate checks. This loophole has been exploited for too long, enabling the sale of weapons at gun shows, online platforms, and even out of private homes without any oversight. The new rule is designed to:

  • Licensing Requirements: Sellers who profit from gun sales must now be licensed.
  • Universal Background Checks: Background checks are required for buyers at all sales points, including firearms shows and online transactions.
  • Public Safety Impact: This rule is set to affect over 20,000 unlicensed gun dealers and regulate tens of thousands of gun sales annually.

Despite broad public support for more rigorous background checks, some opposition remains, driven by misconceptions about gun rights. It's crucial to understand that this rule respects lawful gun ownership while targeting illegal and unsafe practices that endanger us all.

We must do all we can to prevent more senseless gun tragedies. The Uvalde shooting, the Parkland massacre, and numerous other incidents were exacerbated by easy access to have military-style firearms through these unchecked sales. Closing this loophole and banning assault weapons means fewer guns in the wrong hands.

Sign the petition to President Biden: Close the gun show loophole and ban assault weapons to ensure a safer future for all.

Participating Organizations:
Demand Justice
Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
People Power United

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