Sign the petition: Demand the DOJ initiate a task force to investigate Trump and his associates

For at least the past five years, Donald Trump, his aides, and associates, have engaged in a flurry of unethical, unconstitutional, and often criminal activity, culminating with the seditious insurrection on the United States Capitol on January 6th, which was incited and encouraged by the former President and his allies.
Donald Trump was caught on tape trying to rig a presidential election. He colluded and obstructed with Russia in the 2016 election and was silent following reports about Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Trump hid COVID data from the public in an attempt to downplay the pandemic. Trump committed bribery threatening to withhold military aid from Ukraine in 2019. Trump attempted to sabotage the U.S. Postal Service to influence the outcome of the 2020 election. Trump made illegal campaign contributions.
This list goes on and on. Just because he is no longer in office does not mean he cannot be held accountable for his crimes against the U.S. and the American people.
That is why we’re urging Attorney General Merrick Garland to establish an independent task force within the Department of Justice to investigate any potential federal criminal or civil violations that may have been committed by former President Trump, members of his administration, or his campaign, business, or other associates.
If we are to begin the process of restoring the integrity of the Department of Justice and the rule of law to our nation, it is essential that the Department thoroughly investigate Trump’s actions and, where warranted and appropriate, hold accountable those who have violated the nation’s laws.
Sign if you agree: Attorney General Garland must commit to establishing an independent Department of Justice task force to investigate—and, if appropriate, prosecute—Trump and his associates for federal crimes they may have committed.