Sign the petition: Make sick leave accessible for everyone

A whopping 61% of low-wage workers lack paid sick days. This is a crisis affecting the vulnerable—single parents, people with disabilities, and those living paycheck to paycheck. High-wage workers are 2.5 times more likely to have this essential benefit, leaving those at the bottom struggling with hard choices between their health or work.

Workers without paid sick leave often face heartbreaking decisions—like choosing between showing up to work unwell or missing a day's pay that could go toward rent, groceries, or essential bills.

Previously, the expanded Families First Coronavirus Response Act served as a lifeline, offering tax incentives to employers for providing sick leave. But after it expired, we have reverted to inadequate sick leave policies.

Cities and states with paid sick leave have lower illness rates and provide economic security for workers. Yet, access varies widely across states and income levels. It's time for a federal policy that makes paid sick days a permanent benefit for all workers, regardless of where they live or work.

Sign the petition: Support the well-being of millions of workers across the country.

Participating Organizations
Blue Amp Action
Cedar Key Progress
Cori Bush for Congress
Daily Kos
Democratic Values PAC
Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
Derek Marshall for Congress
Florida Voices for Progress
Forward Blue
Free and Fair Democracy PAC
Futures PAC
Left Click
National Campaign for Justice
Promote the Vote PA
Progressive Democrats of America
Progressive Reform Network
Solidarity Action
The Juggernaut Project
The People United
The Six PAC