Sign the petition: Say NO to a right-wing coup. Reject Project 2025!

Project 2025–an initiative to take over the federal government orchestrated by conservative think tanks, including The Heritage Foundation–embodies the most extreme elements of right-wing extremism, threatening to destabilize our country's precarious political balance.

The project aims to alter the federal workforce, replacing career professionals with radical right-wing individuals. This strategy (including the reinstatement of Trump-era policies) threatens to convert a nonpartisan civil service into a partisan tool, undermining the very foundation of a democratic and impartial government.

The initiative also advocates for policies that increase executive power by diminishing the independence of federal agencies and dismantling crucial checks and balances. Moreover, its policy agenda includes attacks on environmental protections, diversity initiatives, and abortion rights, moving us closer to authoritarian governance.

The quiet coup posed by Project 2025 is not just a conservative shift but an ideological insurrection against democratic norms. It presents a danger to the principles of equality, justice, and the rule of law, core tenets of a functioning democracy.

If we want to maintain a healthy democracy, we must put an end to Project 2025.

Sign the petition: Say NO to a right-wing government takeover. Reject Project 2025!

Participating Organizations
Americans for Financial Reform
Blue Future
Daily Kos
Demand Justice
Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
Democratic Values PAC
Forward Blue
Inequality Media Civic Action
Left Click
National Campaign for Justice
People For the American Way
People Power United
Progressive Courts PAC
Rise Stop Trump Project