Sign the petition: Stop Mitch McConnell's undemocratic court blockade

Mitch McConnell has seized the chance to stop Democrats from confirming judges and reforming our judiciary.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is out due to illness, leaving Democrats one seat short on the Judiciary Committee. Due to her absence, the committee is unable to move forward with President Biden’s judicial nominees. As a result, she has asked to have another Senate Democrat temporarily replace her, a pro forma request that would have been typically honored in the past.

Republicans plan to use her absence to block any attempts to fill Feinstein’s seat and achieve their primary goal for the next two years–stopping Biden from getting judicial nominees. Republicans can now blockade the dozens of qualified nominees who await confirmation.

McConnell did the same thing in 2016, after Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died. He denied President Obama's nominee—Merrick Garland—a Senate hearing, and the seat was left unfilled until Donald Trump became president. As a result, Roe v. Wade was overturned.

We cannot allow this partisan assault on our judiciary to reshape our courts. Trump-appointed judges are wreaking havoc on our constitution, and we need President Biden's nominees to get a fair hearing. We cannot let McConnell exploit this technicality for raw partisan power.

Sign the petition: Stop Mitch McConnell's undemocratic court blockade.

Participating Organizations:
Daily Kos
Demand Justice
Democratic Values
OD Action
Solidarity Action