Sign the petition to Congress: Stop the corruption! The Supreme Court must be made to follow basic ethics standards

Every federal judge in this country–except the nine justices of the Supreme Court–are bound by a code of ethics that prevents blatant conflicts of interest.
The Senate Judiciary Committee conducted a hearing to investigate corruption in the Supreme Court. Here’s why, and it’s actually quite shocking, and deeply disappointing:
Justice Clarence Thomas secretly accepted luxury trips and tuition for a family member from a major GOP donor who also bought property from Clarence Thomas that he did not disclose. The GOP donor, Harlow Crow, had business before the court–Thomas did not recuse himself.
Thomas’ wife, Ginni, has caused a slew of conflicts-of-interest including her part in accepting tens of thousands of dollars, secretly, from a legal activist who has helped shape the modern Supreme Court, attempting to overthrow the U.S. government, side income deals, and anonymous donations.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh started off his SCOTUS run with 83 ethics complaints, not to mention sexual assault allegations.
Justice Neil Gorsuch just happened to sell off property right after his SCOTUS confirmation to a law firm with business in front of the court–Gorsuch did not recuse himself.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett received millions of dollars in support of her SCOTUS confirmation from a dark money group with business before the court–Coney Barrett did not recuse herself.
Chief Justice John Roberts, the leader of the pack, also has conflicts-of-interest stemming from his spouse, Jane, who earned millions of dollars recruiting lawyers for firms who have business before the Supreme Court–Roberts did not recuse himself from those cases.
The American people's confidence was already shaken by this Court’s political rulings that consistently go against the will of the people–striking down Roe, gutting voting rights protections, overturning common-sense state and local gun regulations, and attacking federal efforts to combat climate change. And public trust in the Supreme Court is at an all-time low.
Corrupt actions by sitting justices only serve to further erode the court’s integrity and the public’s trust in that court. Supreme Court Justices must be held to account for flouting the ethical rules that apply to every other judge in the country.
We must restore transparency and accountability in the U.S. Supreme Court. We are calling on Congress to ensure that by passing the Supreme Court Ethics Act.
Sign the petition to Congress: Pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act
Participating Organizations
California Clean Money Action Fund
Daily Kos
Demand Justice
Demand Progress
DemCast USA
Faithful America
Fix Democracy First
Future Coalition
Integrity First Voter Action Project
Patriotic Millionaires
People Power United