Stop Cambo Community Guidelines

We aim to create a movement where everyone feels safe, empowered and free from oppression. Everyone in the Stop Cambo movement should be able to fully participate without being subjected to harassment or prejudice.

Everyone is personally responsible for their behaviour and we all have a mutual responsibility to uphold these guidelines:

  1. We seek justice for all. We work together with other movements for justice. We recognise that all oppression is connected and there can be no just climate solutions without people power, economic, racial, gender, social, health justice and workers rights. Our movement recognises through its words and deeds that the climate crisis impacts some communities harder than others and we stand in solidarity with the demands of communities on the front line.  

  2. We do not accept discriminatory behaviour or comments. This includes discrimination based on gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, class, neurodiversity, religion and other categories. We should avoid assuming the opinions and identifications of others.

  3. We do not accept harassment of any kind. Everyone involved in our movement should be free to go about their work without experiencing harassment or harm, whether in-person or online. Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of Stop Cambo campaigners and organisers, and any behaviour that threatens this will not be tolerated.

  4. We are non-violent. We build the mass public support we need to create lasting change by winning hearts and minds, so we remain strategically nonviolent in deeds and words alike.  

  5. Use people’s correct pronouns (she, he, they, etc). If you are not sure of someone's pronouns, don't be afraid to ask; they will usually be grateful you did

  6. Be aware of your privileges and challenge them. Think about how your words, opinions and feelings are influenced and who they might exclude or harm. Be aware of how much space you are taking up.

  7. Give everyone time and space to speak. Adhere to hand signals (or chat symbols online) in conversations or meetings if they are being used. Try to speak clearly and avoid jargon.

  8. Respect each other’s physical and emotional boundaries. Ask before touching people or discussing sensitive topics. Use content warnings and give people time to disengage.

  9. If you have acted or spoken harmfully, even if unintentionally, someone may bring this up with you. If this happens, listen and reflect on what they are saying. Please listen and change your behaviour if someone tells you that you are making them uncomfortable. Don’t try to absolve yourself of responsibility.

  10. If someone makes a comment or behaves in a way that goes against this policy, remember “respect the person but challenge their behaviour.” Often people are not aware that their behaviour is unwelcome.. If you feel able to engage with the issue then a respectful informal discussion can lead to more understanding between you and an agreement that the behaviour will end.

  11. We are all here to support each other. If you do not feel immediately able to engage with someone surrounding an issue or would like more support, please speak to one of us.

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