OIL KILLS - Summer 2024 Actions


Be part of this International Uprising. So far action has been taken across 21 groups in 12 countries all of us demanding an end to oil by 2030 and that our governments sign a binding international treaty to get it done.

All groups are committed to nonviolent direct action – this form of resistance has a proud legacy running from the actions led by Gandhi and Martin Luther-King to disabled rights campaigners chaining themselves to buses in the 80's. All the freedoms we enjoy have been won by groups of people stepping into disobedience – asking nicely just doesn't cut it. And that's all without saying just how dire our situation is and how quickly we must act – our leaders are dragging us into climate hell!

We may not be able to get you into action in this phase – but if you are ready to step up, we need to know. And we will be in touch.

Thank you for your courage.

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