Take the Find 9 Pledge: Support Great Public Schools

As state after state goes #RedForEd, we are standing up for fair pay, benefits, and resources for our students. When education budgets are cut to the bone, we end up with outdated textbooks, crumbling buildings and ballooning class sizes. As educators, we are left with no choice. We have to act.

Now, there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court and Donald Trump wants to tip the scales by replacing the swing vote with a Justice who will favor the wealthy and powerful. If President Trump gets his way, the Supreme Court could:

  • Further limit your ability to advocate for fair pay and benefits

  • Make it harder for you to access affordable healthcare

  • Give private schools a constitutional right to vouchers

As trusted leaders in our unions and communities, it is important to shed light on these threats. When we go home, let’s use our voices to educate those around us about the how the Supreme Court impacts our lives.

Commit to finding and talking to nine people about the importance of the Supreme Court and why we must stand up for educators and students by taking action against  Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.