URGENT: Radical Advocates For Ending Corruption and Divisiveness

This is an URGENT CALL to participate in ushering in a new era of honesty, transparency, and accountability in the United States and the world.

We are in the process of refining our mission with an emphasis on causing immediate peace in the world.

We believe the fundamental barriers to peace are corruption and divisiveness.

Co-creators Oscar Carter and ElleBeahLB launched this groundbreaking initiative in March 2023 as a "self-organizing collective. For purposes of The Task Force the following describes the term "self-organizing collective."

A group of individuals and entities that come together to form a system, absent external guidance or control other than that described on the Step in America Website (Click Here), and further rely on internal processes of communication, cooperation, and adaptation to achieve the mission outlined above. Each individual or group participant shall interact with others with respect and all ideas are valued as worthy of consideration. Each participant should feel free, and in fact is free, to carry forth the mission as he or she determines worthwhile.

If you are willing to name and do what you can to disrupt corruption and end divisiveness, fill out the form to the right. We will be in contact. Also, join our Facebook Group at Facebook.StepInAmerica.com


The Step In America Team

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