Vote Save America Innovation Microgrants Application

Vote Save America’s Innovation micro grants award $5,000 or more to organizations that are executing creative solutions to building progressive power. That could mean expanding progressive content, mobilizing new voters, recruiting new candidates, or anything else (we mean it, anything that’s new, innovative, and creative). To be eligible for a microgrant, the project must be focused on electoral work.

Bottom line: we want to know who’s out there and help jumpstart work!  

Organizations applying for a microgrant must have an annual budget of <$1M. Funds are distributed via Vote Save America’s Anxiety Relief Program. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Depending on need, VSA will consider awarding microgrants multiple times on a case-by-case basis.

A bit of history: In January of 2024, Vote Save America started our first-ever monthly recurring donations program and called it the Anxiety Relief Program. The goal was to fund grassroots organizations that are often overlooked. We raised $4M and supported 67 incredible, movement-building organizations like Down Home North Carolina, Power to the Polls in Wisconsin, and Northeast Arizona Native Democrats.

After Trump’s re-election, tired and tried solutions to the same big questions don’t cut it anymore. The progressive ecosystem needs initiatives like yours to power bold ideas for reform, build the next generation of leadership, and inspire an engaged citizenry.

So, tell us what we’re missing. We want to be a part of what you’re building.

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