Washington DC

The House of Tears Carvers and our partners cordially invite you to our final stop on the Red Road to DC tour in Washington DC. We will deliver your signatures and messages to the Biden Harris administration .
There will be events on July 29th and 30th. The afternoon events on the 29th are open to the public and we invite you to join us. More information is available on our facebook page here. Our approximate schedule is:
- 2 pm — 2:30 pm EST. Ceremony and delivery event on the National Mall.
- 2:30 pm — 4pm EST. Rally, speakers, and talking circles on the National Mall.
- All day: Lobby day for tribal delegation from Red Road to DC physical and virtual journey stops.
- 11am–5pm EST: Totem pole will be available for viewing and visiting outside the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. Free and open to the public. Location: Maryland Ave SW, between 3rd and 4th Streets SW.
Livestream availability on the 29th will be dependent on day-of conditions, as will the exact start time - sign up here to be notified when the Livestream is available and always check our social media accounts for updates and notifications.
- https://redroadtodc.org/
- https://www.facebook.com/totempolejourney
- https://www.instagram.com/totempolejourney/